Do you think judges should have the power to decide what religion your children must belong to and which churches they may attend or may be prohibited from attending?
The following views may seem crazy, but they happened.
Cook County Circuit Judge Edward Jordan issued a restraining order to prohibit Joseph Reyes from taking his three-year-old daughter to any non-Jewish religious activities because the ex-wife argued that would contribute to "the emotional detriment of the child." Mrs. Rebecca Reyes wants to raise her daughter in the Jewish religion, and the judge sided with the mother. (1)
As Joseph Reyes' divorce attorney, Joel Brodsky, said when he saw the judge's restraining order, "I almost fell off my chair. I thought maybe we were in Afghanistan and this was the Taliban." The lawyer is appealing.
Doesn't the First Amendment extend to fathers? Apparently not if they are divorced. This case sounds extreme, but it is a good illustration of how family courts, the lowest in the judicial hierarchy, have become the most dictatorial of all courts because of the tremendous number of families and amounts of private money they control and the lack of accountability for their decisions.
In another divorce case this year, a family court in New Hampshire (where the state motto is "Live Free or Die") ordered ten-year-old Amanda Kurowski to quit being homeschooled by her mother and instead to attend fifth grade in the local public school. Judge Lucinda V. Sadler approved the court-appointed expert's view that Amanda "appeared to reflect her mother's rigidity on questions of faith" and that Amanda "would be best served by exposure to multiple points of view." (2)
Where did family court judges get the power to decide what church and what school the children of divorced parents must attend?
It certainly seems that family court judges have amassed this extraordinary power by co-opting and changing the definition of a time-honored concept: "the best interest of the child." Much like what will happen under the current Presidential administration, Congress, and the Supreme Court, the USA will bend under whatever the current interpretation of the laws are. As the many Bills going through Congress today are UN-Constitutional, it should be UN-Constitutional for government to dictate children's lives. Especially if the parents are upstanding, provide for their children, and do not abuse them in any way or form.
This "the best interest of the child" rule originally came from English common law as compiled by William Blackstone in 1765, and meant that parents are presumed to act in their own children's best interest. For centuries, English and American courts honored parents' rights by recognizing the legal presumption that the best interest of a child is whatever a fit parent says it is, and should not be second-guessed by a judge.
When states revised their family-law statutes in the 1970s, the "best interest of the child" became disconnected from parents' decisions, and family courts assumed the discretion to decide the best interest of children of divorced and unmarried parents.
The notion that persons other than parents should decide what is in a child's best interest is illustrated by the slogan "it takes a village to raise a child." Those who use that slogan understand "village" to mean government courts, government schools, or government social workers.
The trouble with the best-interest rule is that it is totally subjective; it's a matter of individual opinion. Parents make hundreds of different decisions, and should have the right to make their decisions even if they contravene the self-appointed experts.
Whether the decision is big (such as where to go to church or school), or small (such as playing baseball or soccer) there is no objective way to say which is "best."
Since judges are supposed to base their decisions on evidence presented in open court, and there is no objective basis for deciding thousands of questions involved in raising a child, judges call on the testimony of expert witnesses. A big industry has grown up of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, custody evaluators, and counselors who are eager to collect fees for giving their opinions.
Having opinions produced by persons with academic degrees is a way to make subjective and arbitrary judgments appear objective. With the volume of cases coming through family courts, judges can evade responsibility for controversial decisions by rubber-stamping opinions of these court-appointed experts. So essentially lawmakers, judges, and a whole host of others stick their tail between their legs and support the highest academic or professional views of the day. Interpreting law and reason today gives many in government sweeping powers, never before seen, that reach deep into the societies and communities of America. This ultimately rears it's ugly head into today's American family as well.
Scientific American Mind published a scholarly paper in October 2005 by three noted psychologists who explained that the practice of allowing courts to be de facto decision makers "is legally, morally and scientifically wrong. . . . Parents should determine their children's lives after separation, just as when they are married. . . . Parents, not judges or mental health professionals, are the best experts on their own children." (3)
So who do you trust? If you find yourself within the government's grasp or within a court room in which your children are the object of the microscope, does the government or court really know what your children need?
In today's society more and more people are turning to the courts and to government to essentially raise their children. As parents fail in one aspect of life or another it is destined to happen. Even if parents do not fail in any aspect of raising their own children, there is still the chance of government intervention in some way, shape, or form. There are no guarantees.
So what do you do?
(This post was adapted from "The Eagle Forum" by: Phyllis Schlafly)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas in Russia
Sometime in 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from the Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics public schools. These lessons were to be taught from the Bible, per the Russian's request. My, my how the times have changed in just a short span. These Missionaries were invited to teach at prisons, businesses, the fire and police departments and a large orphanage.
As the holiday season was coming to a close, the orphans heard the traditional Christmas story for the first time. The American Missionaries told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem; and after finding no room in the inn, Mary and Joseph went to a stable, where Jesus was born and placed in the manger. Throughout the story, the children listened in amazement. Some sat on the edges of their stools, trying to grasp every word.
As a follow-up activity to the story, the Missionaries used a hands-on approach- using crafts to lay down some Biblical teaching. Each child was given three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manager. Each child was also given a small paper square, cut from yellow napkins that the children tore into strips, and then carefully laid in the manger for straw. Small squares of flannel from a discarded nightgown were used for the baby's blanket. Pieces of tan felt were used for the doll-like baby.
As the Missionaries made their way around the room to observe the children, one of the American Missionaries noted, "All went well until I got to one table where 6-year-old Misha sat. He appeared to have finished his project. As I looked at the little boy's manger, I was startled to see, not one, but two, babies in the manger! Quickly, I called for the translator to ask the lad why there were two babies in the manger."
The translation specialist noted Misha very accurately recalled the story that had been told until he came to the part where Mary put Jesus in the manger. "Misha then started to ad lib and paraphrase his own ending," recalls the observer.
"And when Maria laid the baby in the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had a place to stay. I told him I have no momma and I have no papa, so I don't have any place to stay. Then Jesus told me I could stay with him. But I told him I couldn't because I didn't have a gift to give him like everybody else did. I wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought about what I had that maybe I could use for a gift. So I asked Jesus, if I kept Him warm, would that be a good enough gift?"
At that point Jesus told me, "If you keep me warm, that will be the best gift anybody ever gave me."
"So, I got into the manger, and then Jesus looked at me and told me I 'could stay with him...for always'!"
As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. Putting his hand over his face, his head dropped to the table, and his shoulders shook as he sobbed and sobbed. The little orphan had found someone who would never abandon or abuse him, someone who would stay with him... for always!
As the holiday season was coming to a close, the orphans heard the traditional Christmas story for the first time. The American Missionaries told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem; and after finding no room in the inn, Mary and Joseph went to a stable, where Jesus was born and placed in the manger. Throughout the story, the children listened in amazement. Some sat on the edges of their stools, trying to grasp every word.
As a follow-up activity to the story, the Missionaries used a hands-on approach- using crafts to lay down some Biblical teaching. Each child was given three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manager. Each child was also given a small paper square, cut from yellow napkins that the children tore into strips, and then carefully laid in the manger for straw. Small squares of flannel from a discarded nightgown were used for the baby's blanket. Pieces of tan felt were used for the doll-like baby.
As the Missionaries made their way around the room to observe the children, one of the American Missionaries noted, "All went well until I got to one table where 6-year-old Misha sat. He appeared to have finished his project. As I looked at the little boy's manger, I was startled to see, not one, but two, babies in the manger! Quickly, I called for the translator to ask the lad why there were two babies in the manger."
The translation specialist noted Misha very accurately recalled the story that had been told until he came to the part where Mary put Jesus in the manger. "Misha then started to ad lib and paraphrase his own ending," recalls the observer.
"And when Maria laid the baby in the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had a place to stay. I told him I have no momma and I have no papa, so I don't have any place to stay. Then Jesus told me I could stay with him. But I told him I couldn't because I didn't have a gift to give him like everybody else did. I wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought about what I had that maybe I could use for a gift. So I asked Jesus, if I kept Him warm, would that be a good enough gift?"
At that point Jesus told me, "If you keep me warm, that will be the best gift anybody ever gave me."
"So, I got into the manger, and then Jesus looked at me and told me I 'could stay with him...for always'!"
As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. Putting his hand over his face, his head dropped to the table, and his shoulders shook as he sobbed and sobbed. The little orphan had found someone who would never abandon or abuse him, someone who would stay with him... for always!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Depression is a serious condition that can occur at any age and affects thoughts, feelings, and the ability to function in everyday life. If compared to the normal emotional experiences of life, depression is persistent and can interfere with a person's ability to function. Clinical depression is a physical condition that must be diagnosed by a physician. Whether classified as Major depression or manic depression, Dysthymia, and/or Bipolar disorder the condition is real and it is serious. Depression is one of the most common conditions associated with suicide in teenagers and older adults.
Contrary to what some in the Christian community believe, clinical depression is not always caused by sin and the Healing for depression is not always an instant process; as there is no magic switch to flick and make everything sunny again. Psychology considers depression to be mostly a disorder of the brain that shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function and is totally different from the normal ups and downs in life. Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Depression is often triggered by life circumstances, things at school or situations at work, death of a loved one, divorce, or other problems such as abuse or low self-esteem.Depression sometimes needs to be treated with medication. Of course, God is able to cure any disease or disorder and God intends for us all to live joyful lives. The Bible tells us to be filled with joy and praise (Philippians 4:4; Romans 15:11). This medicine is not easy for some to swallow, yet the remedy and healing must ultimately come from God for it to have any lasting promise or power, as modern medicine simply cannot supply any real Healing. Through God's gifts of prayer, His Word, support groups, fellowship, and counseling the feelings of depression can often be solved. Especially when those suffering with depression move the focus from themselves to Jesus and God's Will for their lives. Those suffering from depression must be willing to make a conscious effort to not be absorbed in themselves, but to turn their efforts outward. It should be known that regardless of depression or not, there are responsibilities in life placed upon an individual. Especially the ability to choose the things that will be the focus of their attention.There are some things that those who suffer from depression can do to alleviate their pain and/or suffering. They should make sure that they are staying in the Word, even when they do not feel like it. Bringing the mind into obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), renewing thinking (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23; Colossians 3:15), meditating on proper things (Philippians 4:8), and adjusting the focus of your thoughts (Matthew 6:33; Colossians 3:1) are a great starting point of reference from God's Word to anyone suffering from the trials of life, including depression of any stage. Emotions can lead us astray, but God's Word stands firm and unchanging. We must maintain strong faith in God and hold even more tightly to Him when we undergo trials and temptations. With that anyone suffering with any stage of depression should be concerned about the expectations and instructions that God has about life, especially in light of depressive thoughts and actions.
Contrary to what some in the Christian community believe, clinical depression is not always caused by sin and the Healing for depression is not always an instant process; as there is no magic switch to flick and make everything sunny again. Psychology considers depression to be mostly a disorder of the brain that shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function and is totally different from the normal ups and downs in life. Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Depression is often triggered by life circumstances, things at school or situations at work, death of a loved one, divorce, or other problems such as abuse or low self-esteem.Depression sometimes needs to be treated with medication. Of course, God is able to cure any disease or disorder and God intends for us all to live joyful lives. The Bible tells us to be filled with joy and praise (Philippians 4:4; Romans 15:11). This medicine is not easy for some to swallow, yet the remedy and healing must ultimately come from God for it to have any lasting promise or power, as modern medicine simply cannot supply any real Healing. Through God's gifts of prayer, His Word, support groups, fellowship, and counseling the feelings of depression can often be solved. Especially when those suffering with depression move the focus from themselves to Jesus and God's Will for their lives. Those suffering from depression must be willing to make a conscious effort to not be absorbed in themselves, but to turn their efforts outward. It should be known that regardless of depression or not, there are responsibilities in life placed upon an individual. Especially the ability to choose the things that will be the focus of their attention.There are some things that those who suffer from depression can do to alleviate their pain and/or suffering. They should make sure that they are staying in the Word, even when they do not feel like it. Bringing the mind into obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), renewing thinking (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23; Colossians 3:15), meditating on proper things (Philippians 4:8), and adjusting the focus of your thoughts (Matthew 6:33; Colossians 3:1) are a great starting point of reference from God's Word to anyone suffering from the trials of life, including depression of any stage. Emotions can lead us astray, but God's Word stands firm and unchanging. We must maintain strong faith in God and hold even more tightly to Him when we undergo trials and temptations. With that anyone suffering with any stage of depression should be concerned about the expectations and instructions that God has about life, especially in light of depressive thoughts and actions.
Thank You
It has been such a blessing and a privilege to write as writing. Lord willing, I will continue for many, many years to come. As of now I want to extend a great amount of "thanks" to a very large number of people.
As many of you know on Monday, November 23rd, my Dad Jimmy Lewis went home to be with the Lord. Many of you knew him simply as "Chief". I want to thank each and everyone of you who Prayed, as well as I wish to thank all of you who stepped in and done so many wonderful things for us as a family in this long process.
A special thanks to Dr. Danny Cochran, Robert Richardson, John Bagley and my entire Holly Creek Baptist Church family. Without you everything seemingly would have fell apart. Thank you so very much. Also a very special thanks to Pastor Donald Young of Maranatha Baptist Church. You and my Dad were special friends, thank you so much for visiting him and Praying for and with him almost everyday.
Now to all of you in the community reading this column. On one day my Dad and I were putting together a pen for his dogs, talking about life, and joking around. Almost literally the very next day he was folded up and critically sick.
We can never judge the heart, but we can see fruit on the vine. With that said, I know my Dad was saved. This Christmas would have been two years since he gave his life to the Lord. I know without a shadow of any doubt that my Dad is at the feet of the Lord Jesus right now as you read this. He repented and confessed Lord Jesus as the Lord and Savior of his life.
Some of you can claim the same promise. Many of you cannot. This world would like for you to think the boundaries between life and death are shadowy and vague. These boundaries are not shadowy and vague, God holds them in one hand as He holds your very breath in the other. There is no promise of tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come for you. If you have not claimed Jesus as Lord of your life, repented of the sin in your life, and began a relationship with Him; today is the day you need to do this. Life and death are merely separated by a moment. Put your life in His hands. It's more than insurance for the future, it is a guarantee.
As many of you know on Monday, November 23rd, my Dad Jimmy Lewis went home to be with the Lord. Many of you knew him simply as "Chief". I want to thank each and everyone of you who Prayed, as well as I wish to thank all of you who stepped in and done so many wonderful things for us as a family in this long process.
A special thanks to Dr. Danny Cochran, Robert Richardson, John Bagley and my entire Holly Creek Baptist Church family. Without you everything seemingly would have fell apart. Thank you so very much. Also a very special thanks to Pastor Donald Young of Maranatha Baptist Church. You and my Dad were special friends, thank you so much for visiting him and Praying for and with him almost everyday.
Now to all of you in the community reading this column. On one day my Dad and I were putting together a pen for his dogs, talking about life, and joking around. Almost literally the very next day he was folded up and critically sick.
We can never judge the heart, but we can see fruit on the vine. With that said, I know my Dad was saved. This Christmas would have been two years since he gave his life to the Lord. I know without a shadow of any doubt that my Dad is at the feet of the Lord Jesus right now as you read this. He repented and confessed Lord Jesus as the Lord and Savior of his life.
Some of you can claim the same promise. Many of you cannot. This world would like for you to think the boundaries between life and death are shadowy and vague. These boundaries are not shadowy and vague, God holds them in one hand as He holds your very breath in the other. There is no promise of tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come for you. If you have not claimed Jesus as Lord of your life, repented of the sin in your life, and began a relationship with Him; today is the day you need to do this. Life and death are merely separated by a moment. Put your life in His hands. It's more than insurance for the future, it is a guarantee.
So what about Divorce?
Divorce is a nasty mud hole reaching deep into the fabric of society; even with the labeling of divorce as uncontested and/or no fault has done little more than standardize what is really just institutionalized evil. There's not really a distinction between a Christian and non-Christian marriage anymore; as seen frequently with the equal opportunity given to divorce. It can certainly be seen that the overwhelming lack of distinction between Christian and non-Christian marriage serves as a gauge that is indicating a continuous lack of faith, spiritual depth, and Biblical understanding within the North American church. It seems marriage is no longer about the preservation of one flesh , or the keeping of a promise.
Christians have always fought against abominations and social evils from slavery to abortion. Yet on divorce it seems that the majority are either quiet or giving some sort of motivational speech on the topic. Divorce has destroyed more families than any other epidemic in history. Societies today would not be standing on the edge of breakdown over same-sex marriage were it not for the erosion of divorce that has effected marriage.
Divorce is a tough issue and a touchy subject that includes very personal and painful struggles. There are some who divorce their spouse for no real reason and yet there are some who endure very physical and difficult marital situations. Some desire to reconcile and some just want to move on. Apart from violence and physical abuse the reason doesn't matter. While there are areas in the Bible which lay a possibility for divorce, the Word of God is clear in that divorce is an absolute, after all things are exhausted, last thing. In self-justifying efforts showing their desire and/or choice to divorce, people communicate things like, “What if my husband…”; “But my wife doesn’t…”; or “God wants me to be happy…”; and on and on. This personal, me centered, mentality replaces God for their own wants and desires rather than what the Bible actually says.
But what can be done?
The largest hope lies in the couples desiring to go into marriage. These are the ones who make the commitment. This commitment is in the eyes of God Almighty, not just on a piece of paper from the court house. If these only knew to develop themselves for that commitment and realize that marriage is a covenant. Something that is missing in society today, it seems, is what marriage it really means to God. God officiated the very first wedding in the garden of Eden and He will officiate the last one ever in Heaven between the Church and Jesus.
If you are going through a marriage situation, a divorce, or already divorced know that there is hope. Turn to God in this time of need. For those of you who are struggling in your marriages and having issues, engage the church, church family, and/or church leadership. Seek help before looking to divorce. These words go contrary to your feelings and will represent that small step of faith needed, which is also pleasing to God. Also, there are some who are almost divorced and can't stop it; as well as those who are already divorced. The prescription is still the same. Seek God. Believe it or not, there are churches that have specific programs in place for those who are already divorced.
Remember, God loves you. King Jesus is on the throne and is reigning now. Nothing happens or will occur apart from God’s sovereign plan and His purpose. When your life is in the most terrible of storms and even while in the most severe trials we can rest in the assurance that God will use these things for good. Turn to Him in these times of need.
Christians have always fought against abominations and social evils from slavery to abortion. Yet on divorce it seems that the majority are either quiet or giving some sort of motivational speech on the topic. Divorce has destroyed more families than any other epidemic in history. Societies today would not be standing on the edge of breakdown over same-sex marriage were it not for the erosion of divorce that has effected marriage.
Divorce is a tough issue and a touchy subject that includes very personal and painful struggles. There are some who divorce their spouse for no real reason and yet there are some who endure very physical and difficult marital situations. Some desire to reconcile and some just want to move on. Apart from violence and physical abuse the reason doesn't matter. While there are areas in the Bible which lay a possibility for divorce, the Word of God is clear in that divorce is an absolute, after all things are exhausted, last thing. In self-justifying efforts showing their desire and/or choice to divorce, people communicate things like, “What if my husband…”; “But my wife doesn’t…”; or “God wants me to be happy…”; and on and on. This personal, me centered, mentality replaces God for their own wants and desires rather than what the Bible actually says.
But what can be done?
The largest hope lies in the couples desiring to go into marriage. These are the ones who make the commitment. This commitment is in the eyes of God Almighty, not just on a piece of paper from the court house. If these only knew to develop themselves for that commitment and realize that marriage is a covenant. Something that is missing in society today, it seems, is what marriage it really means to God. God officiated the very first wedding in the garden of Eden and He will officiate the last one ever in Heaven between the Church and Jesus.
If you are going through a marriage situation, a divorce, or already divorced know that there is hope. Turn to God in this time of need. For those of you who are struggling in your marriages and having issues, engage the church, church family, and/or church leadership. Seek help before looking to divorce. These words go contrary to your feelings and will represent that small step of faith needed, which is also pleasing to God. Also, there are some who are almost divorced and can't stop it; as well as those who are already divorced. The prescription is still the same. Seek God. Believe it or not, there are churches that have specific programs in place for those who are already divorced.
Remember, God loves you. King Jesus is on the throne and is reigning now. Nothing happens or will occur apart from God’s sovereign plan and His purpose. When your life is in the most terrible of storms and even while in the most severe trials we can rest in the assurance that God will use these things for good. Turn to Him in these times of need.
Thanksgiving currently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, is a tradition stretching back to before the United States was ever even formed and ultimately becoming a federal holiday until 1941. Thanksgiving is an observation to give thanks to God. Most will celebrate by coming together in the home with family and friends for a time of fellowship, feasting, and giving Glory to God; yet some will not.
Thanksgiving can be traced to harvest festivals which have been celebrated in many cultures since ancient times, the American holiday is tied to the deliverance of the English settlers by God, through the Native Americans, after the harsh winter at Plymouth, Massachusetts and that event has become the historical epic foundation of thanksgiving in North America. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three whole days providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Indians. That very first Thanksgiving was celebrated to give glory, praise, and ultimate thanks to God for His Providence in helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter. More than half of the pilgrims who began the journey to the colonies on the Mayflower died; many more would have had it not been for God using the Native Americans in teaching the pilgrims how to harvest foods in the new land.
Thanksgiving today is sometimes celebrated differently in today's post-modern society. Some, if not most, don't even pray before any meal; much less praying before a thanksgiving meal. In this current self centered world the entire meaning of being thankful, as well as the true meaning of thanksgiving is tainted if not lost altogether.What are you thankful for this thanksgiving? Is your life lived in obedience and giving glory to the Lord, in the good times and the bad? Do you take many things in your life for granted? By looking at the world a little differently, you just might realize how much you have to be thankful for. Life should be focused on living in gratitude and love, fully aware of God's presence at all times. This is an attitude to have daily. For true Christians thanksgiving is not a once a year deal, it is an everyday way of life. Sharing this with joy and thanksgiving with others and showing the Love of Jesus Christ will help maintain a daily balance in the walk of life.
Thanksgiving can be traced to harvest festivals which have been celebrated in many cultures since ancient times, the American holiday is tied to the deliverance of the English settlers by God, through the Native Americans, after the harsh winter at Plymouth, Massachusetts and that event has become the historical epic foundation of thanksgiving in North America. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three whole days providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Indians. That very first Thanksgiving was celebrated to give glory, praise, and ultimate thanks to God for His Providence in helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter. More than half of the pilgrims who began the journey to the colonies on the Mayflower died; many more would have had it not been for God using the Native Americans in teaching the pilgrims how to harvest foods in the new land.
Thanksgiving today is sometimes celebrated differently in today's post-modern society. Some, if not most, don't even pray before any meal; much less praying before a thanksgiving meal. In this current self centered world the entire meaning of being thankful, as well as the true meaning of thanksgiving is tainted if not lost altogether.What are you thankful for this thanksgiving? Is your life lived in obedience and giving glory to the Lord, in the good times and the bad? Do you take many things in your life for granted? By looking at the world a little differently, you just might realize how much you have to be thankful for. Life should be focused on living in gratitude and love, fully aware of God's presence at all times. This is an attitude to have daily. For true Christians thanksgiving is not a once a year deal, it is an everyday way of life. Sharing this with joy and thanksgiving with others and showing the Love of Jesus Christ will help maintain a daily balance in the walk of life.
Greater Things...
As today's to-do list becomes endless, it seems prayer is most often at the bottom of that list for most people. When bad things happen to us, loved ones, or even total strangers; more often than not it is the faith that becomes strained or challenged first. Most people often wonder how could God let certain things take place. Many continue to argue against God and the faith in response to the evil in the world. While these feelings will occur in all of us, the response given is definitely a response given to God concerning your life altogether.
Serious illness, death, loss of employment, addiction, and a host of other things may show up in someone's life that would be a sign of bad things that have happened or are happening. Whatever the deal may be, the struggle in life will then become harder and life just simply becomes hard to deal with. Normal everyday life in these bad things situations becomes a burden, challenging, and leaves people in a state of constant worry. This places some that want to believe wondering about God altogether and it positions those that do believe questioning the Almighty about their life and situations.
Bad things do and will happen, apart from the Lord Jesus coming back, they will continue to happen. The struggle that takes place during these bad things does not mean that a person has weak faith. The struggle that takes place in life is a chance to lean on the faith and draw from the deep well of God's promises.
Faith is not just simply a feeling or a high powered good-luck charm. Faith is a relationship and must be exercised daily. Being strong in the faith allows us to turn everything over to God, whatever the deal may be. Acknowledging the importance of God in your life is a tremendous step of faith. The worry, fear, anxiety, and/or depression a person expresses in life is the soul speaking out about what's really going on in life. That is why it is evermore important to keep God first in all things. Mankind was never meant to go it alone and only God can give what is needed in the bad times as well as the good times.
Bad things in life does not mean their is no God, nor does it mean your faith is small or misguided. To truly know joy and experience joy, even in the bad things of life, turn to God with all your life. Give Jesus the worry, anxiety, fear, depression, and everything else too. This is the first step of - faith in action. Give it to God and move on.
Serious illness, death, loss of employment, addiction, and a host of other things may show up in someone's life that would be a sign of bad things that have happened or are happening. Whatever the deal may be, the struggle in life will then become harder and life just simply becomes hard to deal with. Normal everyday life in these bad things situations becomes a burden, challenging, and leaves people in a state of constant worry. This places some that want to believe wondering about God altogether and it positions those that do believe questioning the Almighty about their life and situations.
Bad things do and will happen, apart from the Lord Jesus coming back, they will continue to happen. The struggle that takes place during these bad things does not mean that a person has weak faith. The struggle that takes place in life is a chance to lean on the faith and draw from the deep well of God's promises.
Faith is not just simply a feeling or a high powered good-luck charm. Faith is a relationship and must be exercised daily. Being strong in the faith allows us to turn everything over to God, whatever the deal may be. Acknowledging the importance of God in your life is a tremendous step of faith. The worry, fear, anxiety, and/or depression a person expresses in life is the soul speaking out about what's really going on in life. That is why it is evermore important to keep God first in all things. Mankind was never meant to go it alone and only God can give what is needed in the bad times as well as the good times.
Bad things in life does not mean their is no God, nor does it mean your faith is small or misguided. To truly know joy and experience joy, even in the bad things of life, turn to God with all your life. Give Jesus the worry, anxiety, fear, depression, and everything else too. This is the first step of - faith in action. Give it to God and move on.
Bad Things & Your Faith
As today's to-do list becomes endless, it seems prayer is most often at the bottom of that list for most people. When bad things happen to us, loved ones, or even total strangers; more often than not it is the faith that becomes strained or challenged first. Most people often wonder how could God let certain things take place. Many continue to argue against God and the faith in response to the evil in the world. While these feelings will occur in all of us, the response given is definitely a response given to God concerning your life altogether.
Serious illness, death, loss of employment, addiction, and a host of other things may show up in someone's life that would be a sign of bad things that have happened or are happening. Whatever the deal may be, the struggle in life will then become harder and life just simply becomes hard to deal with. Normal everyday life in these bad things situations becomes a burden, challenging, and leaves people in a state of constant worry. This places some that want to believe wondering about God altogether and it positions those that do believe questioning the Almighty about their life and situations.
Bad things do and will happen, apart from the Lord Jesus coming back, they will continue to happen. The struggle that takes place during these bad things does not mean that a person has weak faith. The struggle that takes place in life is a chance to lean on the faith and draw from the deep well of God's promises.
Faith is not just simply a feeling or a high powered good-luck charm. Faith is a relationship and must be exercised daily. Being strong in the faith allows us to turn everything over to God, whatever the deal may be. Acknowledging the importance of God in your life is a tremendous step of faith. The worry, fear, anxiety, and/or depression a person expresses in life is the soul speaking out about what's really going on in life. That is why it is evermore important to keep God first in all things. Mankind was never meant to go it alone and only God can give what is needed in the bad times as well as the good times.
Bad things in life does not mean their is no God, nor does it mean your faith is small or misguided. To truly know joy and experience joy, even in the bad things of life, turn to God with all your life. Give Jesus the worry, anxiety, fear, depression, and everything else too. This is the first step of - faith in action. Give it to God and move on.
Serious illness, death, loss of employment, addiction, and a host of other things may show up in someone's life that would be a sign of bad things that have happened or are happening. Whatever the deal may be, the struggle in life will then become harder and life just simply becomes hard to deal with. Normal everyday life in these bad things situations becomes a burden, challenging, and leaves people in a state of constant worry. This places some that want to believe wondering about God altogether and it positions those that do believe questioning the Almighty about their life and situations.
Bad things do and will happen, apart from the Lord Jesus coming back, they will continue to happen. The struggle that takes place during these bad things does not mean that a person has weak faith. The struggle that takes place in life is a chance to lean on the faith and draw from the deep well of God's promises.
Faith is not just simply a feeling or a high powered good-luck charm. Faith is a relationship and must be exercised daily. Being strong in the faith allows us to turn everything over to God, whatever the deal may be. Acknowledging the importance of God in your life is a tremendous step of faith. The worry, fear, anxiety, and/or depression a person expresses in life is the soul speaking out about what's really going on in life. That is why it is evermore important to keep God first in all things. Mankind was never meant to go it alone and only God can give what is needed in the bad times as well as the good times.
Bad things in life does not mean their is no God, nor does it mean your faith is small or misguided. To truly know joy and experience joy, even in the bad things of life, turn to God with all your life. Give Jesus the worry, anxiety, fear, depression, and everything else too. This is the first step of - faith in action. Give it to God and move on.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Two particular books are, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neale D. Walsch.If you have children or grandchildren, work with children at church, or you have neighborhood children whose parents you know, please take note of the information below and pass it along to others. Schools are distributing this book to children through the Scholastic Book Club.The Conversations with God... James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating. Parents, churches and Christian schools need to be aware of it. As we, as parents, should always pay special attention not only to what our kids watch on TV, in movie theaters, on the internet, and the music they listen to, but also be alert regarding the books they read.Two particular books are, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neale D. Walsch. They sound harmless enough by their titles alone. The books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks.
These books make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover or title."The author purports to answer various questions asked by kids using the "voice of God".. However, the "answers" that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was 'born that way' because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with brown eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences.Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?"His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong....."Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "'judge not lest ye be judged." (Which is a misquote taken out of context from Matthew chapter 7)Not only are these books the false doctrine of the devil, but in many instances quote (in error) the Word of God.And the list goes on. These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children through (The Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children.Our children are under attack.. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, weakest and Youngest of its prey.
- Jeff Lewis
These books make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover or title."The author purports to answer various questions asked by kids using the "voice of God".. However, the "answers" that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was 'born that way' because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with brown eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences.Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?"His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong....."Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "'judge not lest ye be judged." (Which is a misquote taken out of context from Matthew chapter 7)Not only are these books the false doctrine of the devil, but in many instances quote (in error) the Word of God.And the list goes on. These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children through (The Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children.Our children are under attack.. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, weakest and Youngest of its prey.
- Jeff Lewis
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